Friday 4 March 2016

Review by Becky for I Pick You by Jettie Woodruff

I Pick You by Jettie Woodruff
Reviewed by Becky

"Brantley is a country music singer and quite the ladies man.  He was very content in his life until a one night stand with Kit changed everything.  Kit has the opportunity of a life time and needs Brantely to keep their daughter for a year. Thrown into instant parenthood to an adorable toddler (Bay) he's forced to take a job in Florida teaching second graders at a Catholic school.  There he meets Rydell, another teacher, and falls in love - even though he never thought he would.  However, with Kit still in his life he begins to see what an incredible person she is.   What will he do?

I love all things Jettie does and while this book didn't wow me like her others, it is still a good read.  I found it hard to keep up sometimes due to the scenes changing so quickly.  With that said, it was a blast seeing Brantely learn to deal with a small child and Bay steals the show with how adorable everything she does is.  I enjoyed watching Brantely grow and learn about love, life and forgiveness with an ending SO sweet you'll be glad you read it."

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